{% if composant.type.id == 2 %}
{% if composant.consigne|raw == "" %}
Complete the following sentences by (double) clicking on the most appropriate word.
{% else %}
{{ composant.consigne|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif composant.type.id == 3 %}
{% if composant.consigne|raw == "" %}
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
{% else %}
{{ composant.consigne|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif composant.type.id == 1 %}
{% set activite_validable = true %} {# il suffit d'un exercice pour que ce soit validable #}
{% if composant.consigne|raw == "" %}
Choose the correct answer.
{% else %}
{{ composant.consigne|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif composant.type.id == 4 %}
{% set activite_validable = true %} {# il suffit d'un exercice pour que ce soit validable #}
{% if composant.consigne|raw == "" %}
Link the 2 corresponding elements.
{% else %}
{{ composant.consigne|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif composant.type.id == 5 %}
{% set activite_validable = true %} {# il suffit d'un exercice pour que ce soit validable #}
{% if composant.consigne|raw == "" %}
Read the text and then answer the following questions.
{% else %}
{{ composant.consigne|raw }}
{% endif %}
{# SON #}
{% elseif composant.type.id == 10 %}
{% if composant.consigne|raw == "" %}
Listen to the recording and then answer the following questions.
{% else %}
{{ composant.consigne|raw }}
{% endif %}
{# VIDEO #}
{% elseif composant.type.id == 11 %}
{% if composant.consigne|raw == "" %}
Watch the video and then answer the following questions.
{% else %}
{{ composant.consigne|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% set disabled_qo = true %}
{% if (session_note is defined and session_note == "" and session_reponses|length == 0 ) %}
{% set disabled_qo = false %}
{% endif %}