{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block title %} {{ parent() }} : Accueil {% endblock title %} {% block body %} {# {% include 'breadcrumb.html.twig' %} #}
{% for formation in formations %} {% if formation.active == true %}

{{ formation.designation }} - {{ formation.langue.libelle }} - {{ formation.niveau.libelle }} {% if formation.emptyCompteRendu == false %} Comptes-rendus {% endif %}

{% for module in modules[formation.id] %} {% if module is iterable %} {% if module.active == true %}

{{ module.libelle }}

{% for lecon in lecons[module.id] %} {# {% if lecon.active == true and (lecon.testfinal == false or (lecon.testfinal == true and module.modulecomplete == true)) %}#} {% if lecon.active == true %} {% set keyInfoSupp = formation.id ~ '_' ~ module.id ~ '_' ~ lecon.id %} {% set bgClass="bg-success" %} {% if (completude[keyInfoSupp] == 0) %} {% set bgClass="bg-secondary" %} {% elseif (completude[keyInfoSupp] < 20) %} {% set bgClass="bg-danger" %} {% elseif (completude[keyInfoSupp] < 70) %} {% set bgClass="bg-warning" %} {% endif %}
{% if module.type != 3 or formationsCompl[formation.id] is not defined %} {# Lien vers nouvelle version #} {{ lecon.libelle }} {# Lien vers ancienne version #} {# {{ lecon.libelle }} #} {% else %} {{ lecon.libelle }} {% endif %}
{% if module.type != 3 or formationsCompl[formation.id] is not defined %} {{ completude[keyInfoSupp] }}% {% else %} ACCESSIBLE QUAND PARCOURS COMPLETÉ Á 100% {% endif %}
{% if tabTempsPasse[keyInfoSupp] is defined and tabTempsPasse[keyInfoSupp] != '00:00:00' %} {{ tabTempsPasse[keyInfoSupp]|date('H:i:s', '+00:00 GMT') }} {% else %} 00:00:00 {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock body %}