{{ filtered_count }}
{% if filtered_count != total_count %}
filtré{% if filtered_count>1 %}s{% endif %} sur un total de {{ total_count }}
{% endif %}
élément{% if total_count>1 %}s{% endif %}
par page
{#, disposés en
{{ btn_new }}
{% endif %}
{% for media in medias %}
col-sm-{{ 12/columns }} #}
{% include '@Courses/Media/show_inner_gallery.html.twig' with {
'selectable': selectable,
'with_buttons' : with_buttons,
'media': media,
} only %}
{% if (loop.index is divisible by(columns)) and (not loop.last) %}
{ ## }
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# display navigation #}
{% if pagination is defined %}